OpenGov is a technology company developing solutions to address the specific challenges faced by local, state, and federal government entities in managing finances and enhancing governance. Their government cloud suite helps streamline budgeting and reporting processes, while also promoting transparency and collaboration within the public sector.


<aside> <img src="/icons/bullseye_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bullseye_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Established company M&A process

OpenGov's corporate strategy involves identifying and acquiring companies that develop essential government software to contribute to a comprehensive digital government platform.

I conducted due diligence and formulated a strategic design roadmap to cultivate a unified and cohesive software ecosystem, avoiding the pitfalls of disparate design languages and ensuring a harmonious integration of the acquired components.


<aside> <img src="/icons/construction-crane_gray.svg" alt="/icons/construction-crane_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Improved product development process

Worked closely with Product and Engineering leaders to design a product development process that facilitated rapid delivery across worldwide development teams without sacrificing our high bar of quality.


<aside> <img src="/icons/briefcase_gray.svg" alt="/icons/briefcase_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Office Leadership

Served as head of San Francisco office to maintain leadership presence consistently in all office branches.


<aside> <img src="/icons/meeting_gray.svg" alt="/icons/meeting_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Hired and retained top design talent

Developed clear career paths, strategically filled essential roles to facilitate the design roadmap, cultivated a positive and thriving work environment for the R&D team, and expanded design team charter to encompass the role of product owner for the component library and design system.


Capital Design System and Component Library

Established the vision and groundwork for an adaptable and modular design system that embodies a refreshed visual language for OpenGov.








Workforce Planning

Developed a tool for governments to precisely estimate and strategize their personnel expenses, condensing extensive spreadsheets into a concise three-page product.




Next Gen Reporting

Empowered governments to effectively analyze and collaborate on data by developing a refreshed reporting tool that applies OpenGov's Capital design language.




Strategic Initiatives & Data Collection

Developed tools to organize community initiatives into measurable performance metrics. Empowered government agencies to efficiently capture community performance and outcome data.